Getting started

Welcome to Getting Started

  1. In this part, you will find the contents of the entire course in txt, PDF and in Audio format.
  2. Feel free to download any of these resources if you would prefer to. Any questions just comment or send me an email below.
  3. Thanks and let's get started.



Module 1: Step Into Your Power.........................................

Module 2: Entering Your Castle.........................................

Module 3: Clearing Resistance...........................................

Module 4: Clearing Fear and Doubt...................................

Module 5: Releasing The Blame and Shame....................

Module 6: Embracing The Lessons....................................

Module 7: Rewriting The Story..........................................

Module 8: Building Self Confidence...................................

Module 9: Reclaiming Happiness.......................................

Module 10: Improving The Self Image...............................

Module 11: Restoring Self Love.........................................

Module 12: Generate Your Future Self.............................

Module 13: Welcome Abundance.......................................

Course Recommendations......................

Get Happy and Transform- contents.pdf
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